Bloomers Gift Cards


Bloomers is proud to provide plant solutions that keep your garden bursting with color and texture. Visit one of our SIX spacious greenhouses – a total of 16,000 Square Feet – filled with healthy Annuals, Vegetables, Hanging Baskets, and Planters. We would love to help you find the right combination of plants for your growing space.
Apple Tree Sale, Fruit Trees, Nursery Sale
Hanging Baskets and Planters

Hanging Baskets and Planters

At Bloomers, we want you to have beautiful hanging baskets and planters that will last ALL season long. That is why we carefully select the flower combinations in your basket or planter to ensure that they are compatible in their growth and care requirements. Our careful consideration regarding plant combinations make it easy for you to have a successful growing experience! For your convenience we also “color code” all of our hanging baskets and planters by their sunlight requirements. A yellow price tag is for those that require “full to mostly sunny” locations, a blue tag requires a “full shade, filtered sun or morning sun with afternoon shade” area, a purple tag requires “morning sun and afternoon shade” and an orange tag can handle “full sun to full shade”.


Annuals like Pansies, Petunias, Geraniums and Impatiens bring constant color to your garden and create exciting focal points. Whether it is a bright spot in a mixed container planting or a bold sweep of color in your landscape – annuals can provide the “wow” factor all season long.
At Bloomers, we can help you evaluate your growing conditions, color and flower preferences and gardening style. Then we make suggestions on the flowers or foliage plants that will perform best and complement your color palette while making a stunning visual impact.



Vegetable gardening is regaining popularity as people desire healthy, flavorful homegrown produce. You can grow a few vegetables in pots on your patio or fill up a large backyard plot. At Bloomers we provide a broad selection of tasty vegetables and herbs for your home garden.

If you have not planted a garden before, there are a few things you’ll need to consider before you get started:

  • The location of your garden is very important. It should get at least 6 hours of sunlight each day.
  • If dogs, rabbits or deer roam your yard, some extra steps are needed to keep them out of your garden beds.
  • You will also need a game plan for weed control. There are measures you can take when you first plant your garden to ensure weeding is kept to a minimum.
  • Another important consideration is that all scrumptious vegetables are a direct result of quality soil. Getting your garden ready can be a challenge but does not need to be overwhelming. The end results are definitely worth your effort! Vegetables grow best in a well draining, rich, sandy soil with a pH level of about 6 to 7 (neutral-to-slightly acidic). Knowing your soil type helps to decide how to improve your soil’s condition. At Bloomer’s we carry test kits and all the necessary soil amendments to help you successfully grow delicious vegetables and herbs.

Get your garden right the first time. Let our experts assist you in planning your garden so you will have a bountiful growing experience.

bloomers garden center

1037 Golf Course Road Grand Rapids, MN 55744



Store Hours

Tuesday - Friday 9-5:30
Saturday 8:30-5:00
Sundays & Mondays Closed
Open mid-April thru end-October

Hours Subject to change seasonally.